October 17, 2012

Job Interviews

So I guess I have another update.  Whoah, two in one quarter?  Yeah, both my readers are so lucky.  Seriously.

So if you look down 2 posts, you'll see my post about quitting my job.  Since then, I have been jobless, and only pretty recently, moneyless.  My nest egg has run out and it's really time I should get a job.  Here's the thing, though, I've been applying for jobs during this ~3 month break, and nothing has come from it.  Until this week.

I got a call from one company, I put in an application there like 2 months ago and they are just now calling me about it.. so I had an interview today, and I felt like it went pretty well.  I was the first out of "a few" people they were going to interview, so I still don't know the final word on that one.  Also yesterday I had a phone interview with another company I applied for, and will probably go in for a personal interview later this week or early next week (fingers crossed), and I also received an email from a friend who mentioned a friend of hers was looking for someone to work for them, and they only worked through referrals.

So in a matter of 1 week I get 3 potential jobs, when for the past 3 months I've heard nothing.  I can't help but wonder why this happens..  maybe it's supposed to be some grand lesson about how I need to be more decisive..  In any case, the hope is that I will have a job soon and no longer be moneyless.  Depending on which job I land, too, I might even be able to afford to move out of my parent's house.  I know, right, how pathetic am I?  Well, I really appreciate the free rent while I'm going to school, I hope my parents know that...  but there ought to be a point where I should leave, dontcha think?

Yeah, me too.

October 9, 2012

Jobless But Not Girlfriendless

So it's been a few months huh?  Hm.  Well, I guess I have a few updates that some of you might find .... readable?

Since quitting my job, I still haven't found another.  I've applied to several places, but no luck.  I'm starting to see the "error of my ways," I really probably shouldn't have quit without another job lined up.  It was nice to be jobless for a couple months, but now I'm really needing another one...  in the meantime, I'm taking a couple classes at school, neither of which I'm really quite sure why I'm taking other than working toward the degree.  I have been learning a few things in them though so I suppose it's not all a waste?  But in hindsight I really don't think I should have taken classes this semester without a job..  I really could have used that money.  Oh well, too late to do anything about it now. =/

I met a cute girl after a ward activity a little over a month ago.  Rather, I should say she met me.  After the activity I was sitting on the sideline while a group of people were playing basketball and she came up to me and asked "Can I meet you?"  Haha.  She was new to the ward, so was trying to get to know the people, which is good.  Or at least that's what I thought.  Come to find out later she actually wanted to meet me.  There's even more to that story and maybe I'll share that some other time.  Anyway, we had a decently long conversation, probably around an hour and a half or so, before parting ways.  After seeing her a couple of other times at activities and watching a movie together, I decided I wanted to ask her on a date.  So we went on our first date, had a good time (well I guess I can't speak for her... but I did!), and over the next month or so began to spend more and more time together.  We decided to make our relationship official (can't make it Facebook official since I don't have one :P) on 9/24.  So yeah, it hasn't really been all that long, but I've really enjoyed spending time with her.  The other day we went for a walk on the river trail (east side) and ended up near one of the few sets of train tracks.  Just as I was thinking "Hmm, I kinda wanna go up there.." (because they're above the trail), she asked if I wanted to go up to the train tracks.  That was pretty awesome, honestly.

So while we were up there, we decided to take some pictures, cause we really didn't have very many of us, and I personally didn't have any at all, so we decided to take a few on the tracks.  Here's my personal favorite:

Yeah, I know you can't really see her very well.  This is the only one I have uploaded so far from my phone, so I'll probably post a couple more when I get around to it.  But this was by far my favorite.  She's super cute and it's refreshing to date someone again after roughly two and a half years of un-intentional "celibacy."

So yeah..  I guess that's it for my... quarterly (?) update.