September 20, 2010

Our Accent is Crapshaith

Let me start off by saying that probably none of you will find this post funny, but I just had to preserve it somehow.

When my co-worker Brock and I talk to eachother, we usually do it in some form of heavy, exaggerated Russian accent. Is it close to a genuine Russian accent? No, probably not at all. Actually, it stems from us both having a good laugh at this commercial and running with it. Anyway, due to our schedules only overlapping twice a week, I only see him on those days. But when I got to work on Friday, I found an armature (power tool part) on my desk with a note that read:

Deer Fil,
The Jipseys sended me brokens armatures. The fan is crapshaith.
Ples get me a new 1.

I laughed so hard, even though I'm sure you didn't. :)


  1. I laughed. I have things I say in a Russian accent too. "Ples to come in. Have seat."

  2. I'm laughing...that is hilarious!

  3. I have to admit, I laughed too. And I loved the direct TV commercial. "I jump in it."

  4. Allo Pheel-
    Da, eet vas fune eedeea zat yu 2 haev.

  5. I laughed at your blog and the comments! That commercial cracks me up too. Funny.

  6. I laughed too! did you ask him how long it took him to figure out the phonics of the note? love it :)
